Women & Leadership
This is a training RIHEL produced and delivered in the past. We will alert our community if we host this workshop in the future.
Understanding it, identifying barriers to it, and applying a growth mindset.
The confidence workshop explored confidence, how participants think about it, what confidence looks and feels like, and what a personal vision of confidence would be. Together as a group, attendees discussed the questions: What do I look like when I am confident? How do I want to feel when I feel confident? Then, the group identified barriers to confidence. Using this information, the growth mindset was explored for understanding and applicability to cultivating a more robust sense of personal confidence. The workshop included small group discussion and a hands-on activity to illustrate and enhance learning of the growth mindset.
Presented by Dr. Marti Schulte
Appreciating the danger of women’s silence, knowing what you want and your intention, and speaking clearly and powerfully to be heard.
What do I stand for? Why is it profoundly important for women’s voices to be heard? What are the challenges to being heard in the workplace, and when must those barriers be called out? How can I use my voice more effectively?
Presented by Dr. Kathy Kennedy
Leveraging emotional intelligence, tackling imposter syndrome, and discovering the power of vulnerability.
First impressions are formed instantly within two to thirty seconds and can impact how people perceive your capabilities, credibility, and knowledge. Regardless of abilities, evidence suggests leadership positions are given first to those that “look” and “act” the part with presence accounting for 28% of women’s success. Lacking or underestimating the importance of presence can cause women to be overlooked for executive and leadership positions, hindering career advancement. All women need to understand the importance of leadership presence and identify strategies for cultivating presence to enhance their success.
Presented by Deb Center

Questions Regarding the Women & Leadership Event?
Please contact us through the form below or call us at 303-871-4252.